Monday, August 23, 2010

Someone to love me unconditionly.

Sometimes we forget the most important thing when we in relationship, that is whether your partner happy and have you done your best to make sure that your relationship runs smooth? I still remember how I've got involved in this LOVE CHAIN.. I keep on giving  my best to the person I love cos I'm afraid if one I day I didn't get a chance to show how much I really love him.. All I've been thinking is, if one day without any notice I left this world all sudden or maybe I'm deaf or anything that couldnt make him understand how he meant for me. But sadly, I've got a wrong judgment from him..He becoming more and more selfish, safe and he ignore my feeling. I dont blame him, I blame it at myself 100%. I forgot that this is no fairytale. Happy ever after.. 

But Yeah, its okay. I used to get this kinda treatment. :) Honestly, I really want to hear and experience how does it feel to be someone's gf.. Haha. :) Well, He used to treat me like a princess once upon a time, but it just a one minute to happiness. He's not my destiny. He's not meant for me. I have to deal with it. Insyallah, I will found someone who really appreciate me, and by that time he's the one for me.. and he's my husband..
I just cant be with him anymore. He's my history. I give my very best to him, yet he still being selfish.. I'm sorry, I cannot deal with it anymore.. I'm hurt.. I'm not worth it for you.. You are no good for me.. You lost me. Deal with it. You lost someone who love u more than anything in this world. And the person you lost is someone you can count of.. Loyal, tolerate and loving you more than you ever expected, that is the person you lost.

I never been treated like this before, and I never love someone like this before this.. Is this what I've got for loving someone too much?? If is this what I've got, I promise I will not falling in love anymore. I swear to myself and to god, I will not love someone more than I love myself. And I will never turn back, I give him alote of chances.. A tons! He'll never ever learn.. I'm sorry I'm not strong as before. I need to move on. And cope with my new life. :) But alhamdullilah, I will not get hurt anymore. 

To Him,

Thank you so much for letting me love you, you truly a nice person. You gave me commitment that I ever wanted. You gave me new hope in love. We truly a loving couple.. But I'm sorry, I cannot keep on hanging on to you. I'm hurt and a human. I had enough with everything. The reason  why I left you because you cannot understand me at all.. I'm human just like you I've got my need. And you didnt realize it.. Good bye sayang. You really shown me something.

P/S: Faris, I restricted my blog just for you this time, only ur email can access my blog. I will delete this post after two days. I have no intention to humiliate you or anything. I respect you as my boyfriend and as a human being. :) 

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